
What is True Happiness?

Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.

—Mahatma Gandhi.

True happiness comes from within. It cannot be found from anything external to you. When we search for happiness from others or from acquiring material things what we find is that eventually you will feel let down or unsatisfied.

This happens because when we rely on others this puts a great deal of pressure on them to meet our needs and eventually they will need to meet their own needs to maintain their own happiness and we will be left wanting. Material possessions only give us temporary satisfaction and once the sparkle of the new item has worn off we then feel the need to acquire more to be happy. This is how addictions start.

I have been on a journey of trying to find happiness for years. Oh don’t get me wrong, my life has been great and filled with happy moments of course but there was always an underlying sadness within me that I couldn’t shake. I would wake up sad most mornings and I didn’t know why until just recently.

So how can we achieve it?